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At Oxbridge Lane Primary School, we believe that assessment should place the child at the centre of their learning and that it should raise achievement for all. We focus on the progress of each individual child. Assessment is not a singular activity; it is both about the measurement of performance at a given point in time and an ongoing process of gaining information to promote future learning. We believe that this process should be thorough, manageable and relevant. Accurate assessment recognises the skills, achievement and ability of all children and enables teachers to provide a personalised curriculum that drives learning, and ensures progress for all our pupils in order for them to master the curriculum.


At Oxbridge Lane we have devised an assessment system that closely tracks children’s understanding of key objectives in reading, writing and maths. We assess in a variety of ways that allow teachers to gain an understanding of whether children have a sound grasp of a range of objectives and how to move their learning on.


We use the following Language of Assessment:


We provide opportunities to deepen children’s understanding of key objectives so they can master these and have the confidence to apply their knowledge to different subject areas.


Please take time to look at the objectives for your child’s year group in reading, writing and maths and if you have any questions about these, please contact the class teacher to discuss how we can further support your child in achieving these objectives.

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Oxbridge Lane
TS18 4DA


Tel: 01642 607421
Fax: 01642 605896



School Opening Hours: 8.45am - 3.15pm 

Breakfast Club - 7.45am - 8.45am

School is open 32.5 hours for all pupils (37.5 hours for pupils who are accessing breakfast club)


For any queries or to request paper copies of any information on our website

please contact Mrs Bellerby in the school office.

Contact Us

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