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Building Works

We are thrilled to share some exciting news that will undoubtedly have a significant impact on our school community. The time has come for us to embark on a new chapter in the history of our school—a whole school refurbishment is in the works!


After over a year of careful planning and collaboration, we are delighted to announce the whole school refurbishment, that will provide an enhanced learning environment for our students, is designed with the latest educational innovations in mind, aiming to offer a dynamic space that fosters creativity, collaboration, and academic excellence.


Here are some key highlights of what the new school building will bring to our school community:


Cutting-Edge Classrooms: The new classrooms are equipped with modern technology and flexible learning spaces to cater to various teaching methodologies. We believe this will create an optimal environment for both pupils and teachers to thrive.


Kitchen Facilities: Our school will finally have its own kitchen on site.


EYFS Unit: The nursery classroom will come onto the main site, joining with Reception to create our Early Years Unit.


Enhanced Safety Measures: We understand the importance of ensuring the safety of our pupils. The new building will incorporate the latest safety features and protocols to provide a secure learning environment.


Greener Spaces: Recognising the importance of nature in education, the new school design includes green spaces and outdoor areas where students can connect with the environment, fostering a sense of well-being. The multi-use games area (MUGA) and the nursery site on the field will be repurposed for the pupils to enjoy.


User friendly Spaces: The new building will also have areas designated for meetings, interventions, and other activities that promote engagement between parents, teachers, and pupils.



By the end of the works, all of school from Nursery to Year 6 will be on the same site. School will remain on the same site and will retain the original character and outward appearance that it has now.


Work will begin during summer holidays and it is expected that this project will take until approximately the end of 2026 to complete. There are no planned school closures whilst the building work is carried out. We want to assure you that the construction process will be carried out with the utmost care to minimise disruptions to the ongoing learning experience. Regular updates will be provided to keep you informed about the progress and any adjustments to our routines.


We believe that this opportunity to improve our school building will not only meet the current needs of our pupils but will also serve as a lasting legacy for generations to come. Your support and enthusiasm throughout this exciting journey are highly valued, and we look forward to celebrating the completion of this remarkable project together.

Visual of the improved building


Thank you for your continued trust and partnership in providing the best possible education for our students. I will be in touch next term with more information regarding these works.

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Oxbridge Lane
TS18 4DA

Tel: 01642 607421
Fax: 01642 605896


School Opening Hours: 8.45am - 3.15pm 

Breakfast Club - 7.45am - 8.45am

School is open 32.5 hours for all pupils (37.5 hours for pupils who are accessing breakfast club)

For any queries or to request paper copies of any information on our website

please contact Mrs Bellerby in the school office.

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