Values and Ethos
‘A happy, caring and aspirational place where we learn together and are valued.’
At Oxbridge Lane Primary School, staff and Governors are committed to giving every child an exceptional start that provides them with a platform of skills, knowledge and values to ensure their success throughout the rest of their education and in later life. We will strive to ensure that, through a tailored curriculum that is closely linked to the needs of the pupils at Oxbridge Lane, the very best pastoral care is given. This provides social and emotional support for pupils and their families; and through providing a range of innovative and creative learning experiences, children will become life-long, confident learners who are ready to make a positive contribution to their community and wider society. Our pupils will leave us with a love of learning and a positive outlook on their future prospects and plans. They will know how to keep themselves safe and will be able to lead healthy lives.
To secure this vision for every pupil, we will uphold the following:
The curriculum will recognise each child as unique with individual needs. It will be adapted by teachers to ensure that every child meets their full potential. Our curriculum will celebrate and include families and the local community and take into account local and cultural events. We are committed to providing the very best teaching and learning experiences which will inspire and challenge pupils to achieve exceptional outcomes. We seek to provide every opportunity to encourage children to expand their imagination.
We really value the importance of education in the outdoors and the benefits to mental health and wellbeing that it can bring. We endeavour to develop a range of opportunities for our pupils to learn in the outdoors, across all curriculum areas.
SMSC and PSHCE will run throughout our school curriculum and the school day. We feel that it is vital that our pupils build a range of positive social skills and strategies to support them with positive mental health. We want our pupils to develop resilience as problem solvers and to be equipped with strategies to support their wellbeing and choices in later life.
We will celebrate the individual achievements of pupils across a wide range of areas. We endeavour to build self-belief, confidence and motivation in all of our children. We will provide rich and varied opportunities for all of our pupils in Dance, Sport, Drama, Art and Music. We aim to grow pupils’ aspirations for the future and to provide them with early opportunities to discover talents and interests.
As a school, we strive to build and sustain strong partnerships with the local community and parents. We want to ensure that every child has a mutual respect and tolerance of the many different faiths and beliefs within our society. We are committed to providing our pupils with the experiences and understanding to ensure that they will make a positive contribution to life in Britain and beyond.
Staff and Governors are committed to providing a safe, stimulating and positive learning environment in which pupils can develop as individuals but also feel a sense of belonging. We place the upmost importance on safeguarding procedures and actively seek ways to continually improve the provision so that we consistently demonstrate the very best practice.