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The Department for Education (DfE) recommends specific information that schools should publish online. This content can be found across our site, but convenience you can access all our statutory information below:



School Contact Details


Oxbridge Lane
TS18 4DA

Tel: 01642 607421
Fax: 01642 605896


For any queries please contact Mrs Bellerby in the school office.



Admission Arrangements

Please CLICK HERE to view our Admission Arrangements.




Please CLICK HERE to view our most recent OFSTED Report



Performance Tables / Key Stage 2 Results

CLICK HERE to view our performance tables on the Department for Education's website.


CLICK HERE to view more information on our Curriculum.



School Uniform Information

CLICK HERE to view our more information about our school uniform.



Opening Times

School opens for breakfast club at 7.45am each day and closes at 4.30pm. This equates to 43.75 hours each week.

Pupils must be in school by 9am for registration and teaching ends at 3.15pm (3.00pm for Reception children). This equates to 31.25 hours each week (30 hours for Reception children).

School is open 32.5 hours for all pupils (37.5 hours for pupils who are accessing breakfast club).



Behaviour Policy

CLICK HERE to view our Behaviour Policy on our policies page.



Anti-Bullying Policy

CLICK HERE to view our Anti-Bullying Policy on our policies page.



Pupil Premium

CLICK HERE to view Pupil Premium Information.



PE and Sport Premium

CLICK HERE to view Sport Premium Information



Equality Objectives

CLICK HERE to view our Equality Objectives



Public Sector Equality Duty

CLICK HERE to view more information on how we adhere to the Public Sector Equality Duty



Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

CLICK HERE to view SEND Information


Accessibility Policy/Plan

CLICK HERE to view our Accessibility Policy on our policies page.



Complaints Policy

CLICK HERE to view our Complaints Policy on our policies page.



Charging and Remissions Policy

CLICK HERE to view our Charging and Remissions Policy on our policies page.



Values and Ethos

CLICK HERE to view our Ethos and Values



RSE Policy

CLICK HERE to view our RSE Policy on our policies page.



Remote Education

CLICK HERE to view information on our approach to remote learning.

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Oxbridge Lane
TS18 4DA


Tel: 01642 607421
Fax: 01642 605896



School Opening Hours: 8.45am - 3.15pm 

Breakfast Club - 7.45am - 8.45am

School is open 32.5 hours for all pupils (37.5 hours for pupils who are accessing breakfast club)


For any queries or to request paper copies of any information on our website

please contact Mrs Bellerby in the school office.

Contact Us

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